Our new Harvest Refrigeration Trailer is ready for its debut! Watch for the Nutrient Farm’s trailer around town with the custom wrap finished by #WrapColorado in Eagle. #nutrientfarm #wrappedtrailer
81 panels installed on the Livestock Barn producing 33 kW. This is 1 of 2 buildings on the East pasture that will produce energy for the third micro-grid (MG3) which will power the upcoming Meat Processing Unit (MPU) as well as a Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) farming building
The New Castle Farmers Market is today! Stop by to say "Hi" from 4pm-7pm and pick up some incredible 100% grassfed Nutrient Farm Akaushi Wagyu Beef. Location: Burning Mountain Park, across from the Post Office. #nutrientfarm #farmersmarket rb.gy/84npt
Both of Nutrient Farm’s apiaries are fully enclosed now and the installation of electric fences is also complete. When visiting, please be aware and careful as you walk by these areas. #nutrientfarm #apiary
On the 10-acre Orchard 1 system, 3 of 5 irrigation legs have been completed. Next we will move on to the drip tubing and automation valves. While this is being installed we are proceeding to install 1,000 fruit trees with vegetable and biodynamic gardens between the rows.
Still making progress on the mobile chicken coops! One unit has walls, but all three have roofs and solar panels installed. The nesting boxes, roosting racks, and ventilation systems are being installed next. These will provide full shelter for our chickens all year long.
We have processed two more cows and restocked the web store with more 100% Grassfed, Grain-free Akaushi Wagyu Beef. Shop online or stop by Silt & New Castle Farmers Markets to get some today! #nutrientfarm rb.gy/414l4
Data, water, & electrical has begun for the Pavillion area, which includes the soon to debut, Farm Store v1. Besides web order pick-ups, this will be the first physical interface, where customers may come to shop & pick directly from Nutrient Farm! #nutrientfarm
The equipment yard Maintenance Bay has received an upgrade: the installation of a 1,600 sq ft concrete floor. In both bays, we will conduct seasonal maintenance and repairs for larger agriculture and construction equipment. #nutrientfarm

Farm Store v1 is underway! A new electrical system, AC/heating unit, double-pane glass windows, merchandising refrigeration and a Nutrient Farm sign for the roof are some of the upgrades in process. After making its debut soon, it will be open to the public all year! #farmstore

New “MG2” 250 kW Generator installed and operational! This will power the Greenhouse, including an upcoming Refrigeration upgrade, the upcoming Farm Store, charging of the #Tesla delivery fleet and other uses to be disclosed later this year. #nutrientfarm
Two modular offices received a concrete slab on the North side of the farm. This installation will provide parking, handicap stalls and sidewalk to ramp/stairs. A hydronic snow melt system is contained within to minimize accidents and snow mitigation labor. #nutrientfarm

322 trees have been planted so far in Orchard 1. There have been 10 varieties of apple, 4 varieties of peach, 2 varieties of nectarines, quince, apricot, and more to come! In between the rows are grasses and flowers to support the bees and other beneficial insects. #nutrientfarm
The first Red Ember Pepper has been harvested! Continue to check the vegetable, herb, and fruit webpages as we are now harvesting non stop and adding to our website inventory every day.
#nutientfarm #harvest nutrientfarm.com
Physical Nutrient Farm Store coming soon in Unincorporated Garfield County. You will enjoy paying absolutely NO CITY TAXES when shopping with us and will ALWAYS SAVE 3.5% off the top by purchasing outside of New Castle city limits. rb.gy/y0gj7 #nutrientfarmstore
Our new smaller third refrigeration trailer has been wrapped. This unit will start facilitating Farmers Markets as well as Meat Harvest pick-ups. The other larger wrapped freezer will now be used for Produce Harvests. Thank you Wrap Colorado again for doing an amazing job!

After putting in the concrete parking slab for MOS2 and MOD office modules, the area is now being improved with a gravel road that will connect these buildings as well as the Greenhouse to Nutrient Farm Road. We are also expanding the planned uses for the septic system here.

The orchard and gardens are brimming with life and growth! Wild Sun Flowers are available on the website: nutrientfarm.com/collections/fl #nutrientfarm #wildflowers