2019-09 progress at Nutrient Farm - Nutrient Farm

2019-09 progress at Nutrient Farm

One of the first investments Nutrient Farm is making is to restore the historic irrigation system. We are pleased to announce that the first phase (4,500 ft.) of the pipeline is now complete. While most companies would have used cheap PVC pipe and glue, in an effort to prevent contamination of phthalates, BPA, and other bisphenols we instead opted for a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipeline that is heat-fused and food-grade.


Continue Reading with last month’s Newsletter: Recreational Trails


“You are what you eat, eats!” 

Nutrient Farm | PO Box 560 | New Castle, CO 81647 

support@nutrientfarm.com | 866-854-5712 | www.nutrientfarm.com

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