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Boer Goat Heart is smaller than beef hearts which makes them a little easier to prepare. The flavor and texture is close to the meat with a slight metallic taste. This can be neutralized by cooking the heart with mustard seeds and curry.
Nutrient Farm Boer Goat is produced with the high levels of Ranching Stewardship, 100% Grassfed, Grass-Finished, Pasture-Raised, Slow-grown as Nature intended, Full Spectrum Sun, Grain-free, Cake, Candy and Syrup-free, Antibiotic-free, Hormone-free, GMO-free, Irradiation-free, Biosludge-free, Synthetic Chemical-free, Natural Mineral Salt Blocks, Low-Stress Habitat, Ethically Raised, Humanely Processed, Produced in the USA, Made with Love.